Enable Allow Invoice Heading selection while invoicing to allow the user to select the desired company heading while invoicing.


The company invoice heading is selected on the Billing Detail dialog.


If this option is disabled, the company invoice heading that is used will be determined by the customer's Heading Code. See the Heading Code Feature that follows.


Heading Code Feature

To support businesses that run multiple companies a new feature has been added to the system that will allow you to assign customers a Heading Code that will match with a Heading Code in the Company Print / Email Headings to identify the company name and information to be used in the invoice heading.


A Heading Code can be assigned to a customer in the Customer file Miscellaneous Tab.


As of v4.0.42 the Customer File Misc Code field will no longer affect the selection of company for invoice heading printing.


Any Misc Codes you already have assigned will be copied into the new Heading Code field as a part of the version update so you will not have to re-enter the codes.






The system will then match the assigned Heading Code with the Heading Code defined in the Company Print/Email Headings Tab to identify the correct company to print on the invoice.



The Company Name Heading Code 22 was assigned to this customers Heading Code. The result was that Company Name and information printing on the invoice.