The Batch Edit Mode is similar to the standard order edit mode of the entrée invoicing system. All of the items that have been assigned to the vendor will be loaded into the line item grid when this edit mode is selected.


In Create P.O. in batch entry, when you hit the F4 key to view sales history the layout of Item Sales History window has been updated to show 12 months of history without scrolling.

Vendor Sequence Number

The Seq # field in the Inventory File Vendor Tab drives Batch Edit Mode of Create/Change PO. If items are assigned vendor sequence numbers and batch edit mode is used the items will be added to the PO in the sequence number order and subsequently print in that order.



Vendor Items

entrée determines the "vendor items" by scanning the inventory file and comparing the vendor that is being purchased from to the assigned vendors for the item.

Whenever a new item is purchased from a vendor it is automatically recorded as a "vendor item".

Vendors may be manually assigned to an item on the Vendor tab of Inventory Maintenance.

The "Selection Unavailable" warning dialog box will display "No batch items found for vendor #" if the currently loaded vendor does not have any "vendor items" defined.



Default Quantity Ordered

When using the batch edit mode, entrée will provide suggested order quantities based on the order point, current on hand quantity and current on order quantity of the item, using the following formula:


 Order Point - On Hand - On Order  


If the resulting value is greater than 0, it will become the suggested order quantity and automatically placed in the Qty Ordered column for the item.

The primary order point for the item is specified on the Inventory tab of Inventory Maintenance.

Secondary order points, defined on the Vendor tab of Inventory Maintenance will only be queried if system option 115 is enabled.


E-Mail P.O.

The handling of "Batch" mode has been updated so that the E-mail P.O. button will be enabled if one or more items are present on the Purchase Order when returning to "Detail" mode.