The Inventory tab contains sections for: On Hand, On Order, Weight Information, Case Breaking / On Hand Value, 30-Day Order Breakdown, Make From options and Cycle Counting options.


Lot Hold Customers Info

This section only displays for lot items.

It provides information about quantities related to lots on hold for customers vs. the available quantity.


*See the Lot Hold Feature topic for details.


Any fields with a blue link will open a window to view details about that field or provide a way to adjust the field value.



The Inventory tab uses buttons to access these features: Physical Adjustments, FIFO Receiving, Movements, and In Transit.



In Transit Button

This button will only seen by Customers who purchased the entrée.MW add-on module for Multi-Warehouse management. The In Transit button opens the In Transit Detail window to view the item's in transit warehouse status for the current day. Also see the Warehouse Tab for related information.