The Miscellaneous tab options are checked to activate additional options related to the customer for Invoicing and Reporting.


Invoicing Options


Reporting Options


Export Options


Import Options




Each option will be discussed in order in  the section that follows.



These two options are only for use with System Option #195, Allow Promotions to be edited in Create/Change Invoice.


Allow promotions to be edited

You must check the “Allow promotions to be edited” option in the Invoicing Options list in the Customer File Miscellaneous tab to enable editing of a customer’s promotions in create/change invoice. This must be done for each customer individually when you want their promotions to be editable in invoicing using the Edit Promotions dialog.

Consolidate promotions on printed inv.

The “Consolidate promotions on printed inv.” option will group all the customer’s promotions together in one area of their invoice so they can see all their savings at once.

See System Option #195 topic for details on use of this promotions feature.