This area is provided to enter the physical address of the vendor.


This represents the address from where the products are actually shipped.


Enter up to 30 characters in each of the Address fields.


Enter the street address on the first Address line and use the second Address line for PO Box and Suite #



Enter up to 20 characters in the City field or select from the auto-complete drop down list.


Enter the 2 character abbreviation for the state in the State field or select from the auto-complete drop down list.


Enter up to 10 characters in the Zip field or select from the auto-complete drop down list.


Company Address: Do not put a vendor's PO Box number in the first address line the Maps Tab results will be unpredictable and incorrect for the location.


If you must send payments to a PO Boxes use the Vendor Tab Remittance Tab Address field for this information.


Use the second Company Address line for the PO Box information.


This format will allow the Maps Tab to function correctly for the vendor street address.