Assigning a Salesperson to a Sales Manager

1. Click the Manager drop down arrow.


2. Find and select a Sales Manager's user account from the list.


3. Click Apply then OK to update the salesperson.



Creating a Sales Manager

1.Use the Salesperson Number search tool to find the employee who will become a Sales Manager.

2.Make sure their User Account has been linked to their Salesperson file record. (See User Account topic)

3.In User Account drop down arrow to find and select the salesperson's User Account.  

4.To define the Salesperson as a "Sales Manager" in the system click the drop down arrow for Manager.

5.Find and select the the employee who will become a Sales Manager from the list.

6.Click Apply then OK to update the salesperson.

7.Now you can assign salespeople to your new Sales Manager using the instruction above.