Fast Facts About Sales Orders

Sales orders are just another way of entering an "order" into the entree system.  

One reason  you may use a sales order is if you are accepting an order for a future date and do not want an invoice sitting on your system that far in advance.

Sales Orders and Invoices allocate inventory where quotations do not impact inventory numbers.

They can be emailed to customers to get an order confirmation back.

Sales order numbering should be different from your invoice numbering so they do not conflict with invoice numbers in the system.

To make the purchase the sales order must be converted to an invoice to be processed for the customer.

Sales orders do NOT affect AR until they are converted to an invoice and printed as an invoice, just like a regular invoice.




Use menu path: Customer ribbon menu

> Sales Orders  drop down menu


Menu Options:

Create, Change, Convert to Invoice and Cancel


Create /Change Sales Order

Creating Sales Orders is very similar to creating an invoice and uses many of the same features as invoicing.


So if you know how to create or change an invoice you can create and change a sales order.




You also have the “MTD Sales” and "YTD Sales" options in the “Prior Sales” feature in Create/ Change Sales Order.