The company info area displays basic company and address information for both the bill to and ship to customer as well as the current balance of the ship to customer.




Customer Number

Enter the customer number of the company that received the product in this field and press the Enter key. If the customer number is not known click the search button to invoke the Customer Search screen.


If a customer number is entered that does not exist entrée will display the "There is no customer defined with that customer number" error message.



Current Balance

This read-only field displays the total balance due for the currently loaded customer. The value displayed will dynamically update as entries in the Invoice Grid are added, edited, or deleted.


Ship To Address

This area will display the company name and address for the company that received the product.



Bill To Address

This area will display the company name and address for the company that is responsible to pay the account.


Customer Image - If the customer has an image in their account in the customer file it will display here.