entrée allows you to create on the fly items that are not saved as part of the inventory file. These types of items are called Non-Inventory Items.


1.Click the Add button.


2.In the item number column of the line item grid, enter an item number that is not used in the inventory file and press the Enter key.


3.Click the No button when prompted to add the item to the inventory.



4.Click the Yes button when prompted to add the item to the invoice as a non-inventory item.



5. This will open the Add Non-Inventory Item dialog. Enter the information for the item and click OK.


Sales and Cost of Sales values will be posted to the default GL Accounts for non-inventory items.



6. The item will be added to the invoice as shown below.



Keyboard Shortcuts



Advances the cursor to the next field.

Alt + C

Emulates clicking the Cancel button.

Alt + O

Emulates clicking the OK button.