This is the date when this order should be delivered and will initially default to the current system date.


Each subsequent invoice that is entered will default to the invoice date of the prior invoice.


If the customer you are invoicing has Delivery Time information defined on the Routes tab of Customer Maintenance the invoice date will automatically advance to the customers next scheduled delivery date.



If today is Tuesday and the customer has delivery times defined for Monday and Friday, the invoice date will default to Friday's date.



You can change the date the order should be delivered to the customer by keying it directly into the Invoice Date field.  

You may click the drop down button to invoke a calendar style date selection control.

If you specify an invoice date that is prior to the current entrée system date, you will see the Caution message with a warning "The supplied Invoice Date is in the past. Please make sure that this is the correct date."

You are not allowed to pre-date an invoice to a closed period. Should an invoice date be entered for a closed period, entrée will display the Warning message "Month last closed on mm/dd/yy. Invoice cannot be pre-dated into a closed month".


Should you change the default invoice date of a customer that has delivery times defined and the new invoice date does not correspond with the scheduled delivery days entrée will display the No Scheduled Delivery message warning you that the invoice date may be incorrect.


Keep in mind that if the invoice date is advanced due to a customer's scheduled routing, the subsequent invoice will default to the "advanced" date, unless they have scheduled routing defined as well.


Invoice Date Change on Non-Blank Invoices

The requirement that the invoice document be "blank" (no line items in it) to change the “Invoice Date” was removed from entrée. The design of the Invoice dialog always "locks" prices once a line item has been added to the invoice. Promotions will be re-calculated as needed for those line items in the invoice.


Invoice Listing - Date Duplication Warning

The invoice date duplication warning feature has been added to handle when starting a new invoice for a customer who already has an invoice for the same Invoice Date in the system.

If there is only one other invoice for the date then a simple "Yes/No" prompt will appear asking if you wish to edit the existing invoice.

If there is more than one invoice to report for the invoice date the Invoice Listing dialog will open. Here you can either highlight or double-click an entry.

Click the Edit Invoice # XXXX button to open the selected document in Change Invoice and perform the edits.

If you choose not to edit one of the existing invoices click Done.



Modifications For Invoice Listing


Mod # 801: Will add the PO Number to the Invoice Listing grid.

Change the Invoicing dialog so that, whenever a warning is presented about a customer having additional invoices on the same Invoice Date, the customer's P.O. Number will be shown along with the entrée Invoice Number and the Invoice Total.


Mod #807: Will show the Invoice Listing screen even if there is only one other invoice.

Change the handling of the warning message that appears when trying to create an Invoice for a customer who already has an invoice for the chosen date so the grid based dialog is always displayed, even if the customer only has one other invoice for the date.